The 12th International Semantic Web Conference
and the 1st Australasian Semantic Web Conference
21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia
The Workshops will be held on the 21st and 22nd of October in the Sydney Masonic Conference & Function Centre.
List of Accepted Workshops (in alphabetical order):
- 1st International Workshop on Semantic Music and Media (SMAM2013)
David De Roure (University of Oxford), Yves Raimond (BBC) and Mark Sandler (Queen Mary University of London)
- 1st International Workshop on Semantic Statistics (SemStats 2013)
Raphaël Troncy (EURECOM), Franck Cotton (INSEE), Richard Cyganiak (DERI), Armin Haller (CSIRO) and Alistair Hamilton (ABS)
- 2nd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning (OrdRing 2013)
Emanuele Della Valle (Politecnico di Milano), Markus Krötzsch (University of Oxford), Stefan Schlobach (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), and Irene Celino (CEFRIEL)
- 3rd International Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2013)
Raphaël Troncy (EURECOM), Marieke Van Erp (VU University Amsterdam), Laura Hollink (VU University Amsterdam), Willem Robert Van Hage (VU University Amsterdam), Pierre van de Laar (TNO, Netherlands), David A. Shamma (Yahoo! Research) and Lianli Gao (The University of Queensland)
- 3rd International Workshop on Linked Science 2013 (LISC2013) - Supporting Reproducibility, Scientific Investigations and Experiments
Tomi Kauppinen (Aalto University), Jun Zhao (University of Oxford), Paul Groth (VU University Amsterdam), Carsten Keßler (University of Münster), Line C. Pouchard (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Carole Goble (University of Manchester), Yolanda Gil (USC/ISI), Marieke van Erp (VU University Amsterdam) and Jacco van Ossenbruggen (CWI/VU University Amsterdam)
- 4th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2013) - 2013 Special Theme: Towards Industrial Linked Data Ecosystems
Olaf Hartig (University of Waterloo), Juan Sequeda (University of Texas at Austin), Aidan Hogan (DERI/NUI Galway) and Takahide Matsutsuka (Fujitsu)
- 4th Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP2013)
Valentina Presutti (ISTC-CNR), Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto), Ansgar Scherp (University of Mannheim) and Laurent Lefort (CSIRO)
- 6th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks
Cory Henson (Wright State University), Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Payam Barnaghi (University of Surrey), Amit Sheth (Wright State University), Manfred Hauswirth (DERI/NUI Galway) and Kerry Taylor (CSIRO)
- 8th International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2013)
Pavel Shvaiko (Informatica Trentina), Jérôme Euzenat (INRIA & LIG), Kavitha Srinivas (IBM Research), Ming Mao (eBay), Ernesto Jiménez‐Ruiz (University of Oxford)
- 9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2013)
Thorsten Liebig (derivo GmbH) and Achille Fokoue (IBM Research)
- 9th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2013)
Fernando Bobillo (University of Zaragoza), Rommel Carvalho (George Mason University), Paulo Costa (George Mason University), Claudia D'Amato (University of Bari), Nicola Fanizzi (University of Bari), Kathryn Laskey (George Mason University), Ken Laskey (The MITRE Corporation), Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford), Trevor Martin (University of Bristol), Matthias Nickles (DERI/NUI Galway) and Mike Pool (Vertical Search Works)
- CrowdSem: Crowdsourcing the Semantic Web
Lora Aroyo (VU University Amsterdam), Abraham Bernstein (University of Zurich), Natasha F. Noy (Stanford University), Elena Simperl (University of Southampton), Maribel Acosta (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and Jens Lehmann (University of Leipzig)
- DBpedia & NLP 2013
Sebastian Hellmann (University of Leipzig), Agata Filipowska (Poznan University of Economics), Caroline Barrière (Computer Research Institute of Montreal), Pablo Mendes (Wright State University) and Dimitris Kontokostas (University of Leipzip)
- LD4IE - Linked Data for Information Extraction
Anna Lisa Gentile (University of Sheffield), Ziqi Zhang (University of Sheffield), Claudia D'Amato (University of Bari) and Heiko Paulheim (University of Mannheim)
- Semantic Machine Learning and Linked Open Data Application (SML2OD2013) for Agricultural and Environmental Informatics
Ahsan Morshed (CSIRO), Ritaban Dutta (CSIRO) and Greg Timms (CSIRO)
- Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web - Policy and Technology
Stefan Decker (DERI/NUI Galway), Jim Hendler (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) and Sabrina Kirrane (DERI/NUI Galway)
- WaSABi: Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice
Marco Neumann (KONA LLC), Magnus Knuth (Hasso Plattner Institute), Dominique Ritze (University of Mannheim), Sam Coppens (Ghent University), Miel Vander Sande (Ghent University) and Karl Hammar (Jönköping University)