The 12th International Semantic Web Conference
and the 1st Australasian Semantic Web Conference
21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia
Call for Submissions
Research Track
ISWC is the premier venue for presenting innovative systems and research results related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data. We solicit the submission of original research papers for ISWC 2013's research track, dealing with analytical, theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of all areas of the Semantic Web. Submissions to the research track should describe original, significant research on the Semantic Web or on Semantic Web technologies, and are expected to provide some principled means of evaluation.
Semantic Web In-Use Track
Semantic technologies and Linked Data are an increasingly a major component of deployed applications. The In-Use track at ISWC 2013 provides a forum for the community to explore the benefits and challenges of applying semantic technologies and data in real-life applications and contexts ranging from industry to government and science. Importantly, we encourage submissions that combine any form of semantic technologies and the Web. For example, submissions that demonstrate how Web data can be used with techniques such as statistical data mining, machine learning or NLP in applications.
Tutorial Proposals
In addition to the regular research and workshop program, ISWC’13 will feature a tutorial program addressing the interests of its varied audience: Semantic Web practitioners that wish to learn new technologies, novices to the Semantic Web interested in introductory tutorials to key Semantic Web/Linked Data topics, government and industry representatives focusing on the applicability of Semantic Web/Linked Data technologies in practical settings.
Besides the main technical programme, ISWC will host a number of workshops on topics related to the general theme of the conference. The role of the workshops is to provide a context for a focused and intensive scientific exchange among researchers interested in a particular topic. As such, workshops are the primary venues for the exploration of emerging ideas.
Doctoral Consortium
The ISWC 2013 Doctoral Consortium will take place as part of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference in Sydney, Australia. This forum will provide PhD students an opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a critical but supportive environment, to get feedback from mentors who are senior members of the Semantic Web research community, to explore issues related to academic and research careers, and ri build relationships with other Semantic Web PhD students from around the world. The Consortium aims to broaden the perspectives and to improve the research and communication skills of these students.
Industry Track
Linked Data and Semantic Technologies are new disruptive technologies gaining traction in mainstream business providing access to rich analytics opportunity. The Industry track at ISWC 2013 will provide a platform for key players in the field to share their insights and experience of using these technologies in the wild.
Posters and Demos
The ISWC 2013 Posters and Demonstrations Track complements the Research Paper track of the conference and offers an opportunity for presenting late-breaking research results, ongoing research projects, and speculative or innovative work in progress. The informal setting of the Posters and Demonstrations Track encourages presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the presented work. Such discussions can be invaluable inputs for the future work of the presenters, while offering participants an effective way to broaden their knowledge of the emerging research trends and to network with other researchers.
Evaluation Track
The Semantic Web and Linked Open Data has been an active area of research for several years. For the second time, the 12th edition of the International Semantic Web conference runs the Evaluation Track. Its goal is to consolidate research material and to gain new scientific insights and results by providing a place for in-depth experimental studies of significant scale. It aims at promoting experimental evaluations in Semantic Web/Linked Open Data research trying to create a research cycle between theory and experiments as in other sciences (e.g., physics).