The 12th International Semantic Web Conference
and the 1st Australasian Semantic Web Conference
21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia

SSWS 2013

9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2013)

9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems

Workshop webpage

Organizing committee

  • Thorsten Liebig (derivo GmbH)
  • Achille Fokoue (IBM Research)


SSWS 2013 is the ninth edition of the Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems workshop series. This workshop provides a forum for discussing scalability issues for the Semantic Web, with the focus on the development and deployment of knowledge base systems for processing Semantic Web data mainly represented in ontology languages such as RDF and OWL. In that respect the workshop is centered on aspects such as methods and technologies for improving storage and processing performance, evaluation and system benchmarking as well as identification of future research directions.

Monday - Oct 21 - SMC



[Full Day]

9:00 - 10:30

Session Chair: Pavel Klinov, University of Ulm, Germany

Brief welcome note

Keynote Speaker:

  • Spyros Kotoulas, IBM Research Lab, Dublin, Ireland. Scalability at work: Large Semantic Systems and Large Enterprise systems

Paper Presentations on Querying:

  • Bogdan Kostov and Petr Křemen Count Aggregation in Semantic Queries
10:30 - 11:00 Morning Tea
11:00 - 12:45

Session Chair: Yevgeny Kazakov, University of Ulm, Germany

Paper Presentations on Reasoning:

  • Raghava Mutharaju, Pascal Hitzler and Prabhaker Mateti DistEL: A Distributed EL+ Ontology Classifier
  • Martin Peters, Christopher Brink, Sabine Sachweh and Albert Zündorf Rule-based Reasoning on Massively Parallel Hardware
  • Philip Stutz, Mihaela Verman, Lorenz Fischer and Abraham Bernstein TripleRush: A Fast and Scalable Triple Store
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 15:30

Session Chair: Spyros Kotoulas, IBM, Ireland

Paper Presentations on Streams and Search:

  • Khoa Nguyen, Thomas Scharrenbach and Abraham Bernstein Eviction Strategies for Semantic Flow Processing
  • Lorenz Fischer, Thomas Scharrenbach and Abraham Bernstein Scalable Linked Data Stream Processing via Network-Aware Workload Scheduling
  • Fausto Giunchiglia and Alethia Hume A Distributed Directory System
15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon Tea

Proceedings of the SSWS 2013 are already published as CEUR Vol-1046